IBX5980432E7F390 Windows Update Error Codes | Part 4 - DRIVERS AND SOFTWARE

Windows Update Error Codes | Part 4

The last part for Windows Update Error Codes

press "cntrl" + "F" ( Shortcut for find) and start typing the error...

0x80200006 -2145386490 BG_S_ERROR_CONTEXT_NONE No errors have occurred.
0x80200007 -2145386489 BG_E_ERROR_CONTEXT_UNKNOWN The error occurred in an unknown location.
0x80200008 -2145386488 BG_E_ERROR_CONTEXT_GENERAL_QUEUE_MANAGER The error occurred in the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) queue manager.
0x80200009 -2145386487 BG_E_ERROR_CONTEXT_LOCAL_FILE The error occurred while the local file was being processed. Verify that the file is not in use, and then try again.
0x8020000A -2145386486 BG_E_ERROR_CONTEXT_REMOTE_FILE The error occurred while the local file was being processed. Verify that the file is not in use, and then try again.
0x8020000B -2145386485 BG_E_ERROR_CONTEXT_GENERAL_TRANSPORT The error occurred in the transport layer. The client could not connect to the server.
0x8020000C -2145386484 BG_E_ERROR_CONTEXT_QUEUE_MANAGER_NOTIFICATION The error occurred while the notification callback was being processed. Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) will try again later.
0x8020000D -2145386483 BG_E_Destination_Locked The destination file system volume is not available. Verify that another program, such as CheckDisk, is not running, which would lock the volume. When the volume is available, Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) will try again.
0x8020000E -2145386482 BG_E_VOLUME_CHANGED The destination volume has changed. If the disk is removable, it might have been replaced with a different disk. Reinsert the original disk and resume the job.
0x8020000F -2145386481 BG_E_ERROR_INFORMATION_UNAVAILABLE No errors have occurred.
0x80200010 -2145386480 BG_E_NETWORK_DISCONNECTED There are currently no active network connections. Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) will try again when an adapter is connected.
0x80200011 -2145386479 BG_E_MISSING_FILE_SIZE When BITS sends a HEAD request and server/proxy doesn’t return Content-Length header in the response, BITS puts the job in ERROR state with BG_E_MISSING_FILE_SIZE. BITS 1.5 puts the job in ERROR state with BG_E_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE error. Apache 2.0 proxy server is known to exhibit this behavior.
0x80200012 -2145386478 BG_E_INSUFFICIENT_HTTP_SUPPORT The server does not support HTTP 1.1.
0x80200013 -2145386477 BG_E_INSUFFICIENT_RANGE_SUPPORT BITS uses range header in HTTP requests to request parts of a file. If the server or proxy doesn’t understand Range requests and returns full file instead of the requested range, BITS puts the job in ERROR state. Apache 1.3 proxy is known to show this behavior if the requested file is already in the cache.
0x80200014 -2145386476 BG_E_REMOTE_NOT_SUPPORTED Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) cannot be used remotely.
0x80200015 -2145386475 BG_E_NEW_OWNER_DIFF_MAPPING The drive mapping for the job is different for the current owner than for the previous owner. Use a UNC path instead.
0x80200016 -2145386474 BG_E_NEW_OWNER_NO_FILE_ACCESS The new owner has insufficient access to the local files for the job. The new owner might not have permissions to access the job files. Verify that the new owner has sufficient permissions, and then try again.
0x80200017 -2145386473 BG_S_PARTIAL_COMPLETE Some of the transferred files were deleted because they were incomplete
0x80200018 -2145386472 BG_E_PROXY_LIST_TOO_LARGE The HTTP proxy list cannot be longer than 32,000 characters. Try again with a shorter proxy list.
0x80200019 -2145386471 BG_E_PROXY_BYPASS_LIST_TOO_LARGE The HTTP proxy bypass list cannot be longer than 32,000 characters. Try again with a shorter bypass proxy list.
0x8020001A -2145386470 BG_S_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_FILES Some of the temporary files could not be deleted. Check the system event log for the complete list of files that could not be deleted.
0x8020001B -2145386469 BG_E_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE The server's response was not valid. The server was not following the defined protocol. Resume the job, and then Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) will try again.
0x8020001C -2145386468 BG_E_TOO_MANY_FILES No more files can be added to this job.
0x8020001D -2145386467 BG_E_LOCAL_FILE_CHANGED The local file was changed during the transfer. Recreate the job, and then try to transfer it again.
0x8020001E -2145386466 BG_E_ERROR_CONTEXT_REMOTE_APPLICATION The program on the remote server reported the error.
0x8020001F -2145386465 BG_E_SESSION_NOT_FOUND The specified session could not be found on the server. Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) will try again.
0x80200020 -2145386464 BG_E_TOO_LARGE The job is too large for the server to accept. This job might exceed a job size limit set by the server administrator. Reduce the size of the job, and then try again.
0x80200021 -2145386463 BG_E_STRING_TOO_LONG The specified string is too long.
0x80200022 -2145386462 BG_E_CLIENT_SERVER_PROTOCOL_MISMATCH The client and server versions of Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) are incompatible.
0x80200023 -2145386461 BG_E_SERVER_EXECUTE_ENABLE Scripting OR execute permissions are enabled on the IIS virtual directory associated with the job. To upload files to the virtual directory, disable the scripting and execute permissions on the virtual directory.
0x80200024 -2145386460 BG_E_No_Progress BITS The job is not making headway. The server may be misconfigured. Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) will try again later.
0x80200025 -2145386459 BG_E_USERNAME_TOO_LARGE The user name cannot be longer than 300 characters. Try again with a shorter name.
0x80200026 -2145386458 BG_E_PASSWORD_TOO_LARGE The password cannot be longer than 300 characters. Try again with a shorter password.
0x80200027 -2145386457 BG_E_INVALID_AUTH_TARGET The authentication target specified in the credentials is not defined.
0x80200028 -2145386456 BG_E_INVALID_AUTH_SCHEME The authentication scheme specified in the credentials is not defined.
0x80200029 -2145386455 BG_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND The specified file name does not match any of the files in the job.
0x8020002A -2145386454 BG_S_PROXY_CHANGED The proxy server was changed.
0x8020002B -2145386453 BG_E_INVALID_RANGE The requested byte range extends beyond the end of the web page. Use byte ranges that are wholly within the page.
0x8020002C -2145386452 BG_E_OVERLAPPING_RANGES The list of byte ranges contains some overlapping ranges, which are not supported.
0x8020002D -2145386451 BG_E_CONNECT_FAILURE A connection could not be established.
0x8020002E -2145386450 BG_E_CONNECTION_CLOSED The connection was prematurely closed.
0x8020002F -2145386449 BG_E_KEEP_ALIVE_FAILURE The connection for a request that specifies the Keep-alive header was closed unexpectedly.
0x80200030 -2145386448 BG_E_MESSAGE_LENGTH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED A message was received that exceeded the specified limit when sending a request or receiving a response from the server.
0x80200031 -2145386447 BG_E_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILURE The host name could not be found.
0x80200032 -2145386446 BG_E_PENDING An internal asynchronous request is pending.
0x80200033 -2145386445 BG_E_PIPELINE_FAILURE
0x80200034 -2145386444 BG_E_PROTOCOL_ERROR The response received from the server was complete but indicated a protocol-level error.
0x80200035 -2145386443 BG_E_PROXY_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILURE The proxy name could not be found.
0x80200036 -2145386442 BG_E_RECEIVE_FAILURE A complete response was not received from the server.
0x80200037 -2145386441 BG_E_REQUEST_CANCELED The request was canceled.
0x80200038 -2145386440 BG_E_SECURE_CHANNEL_FAILURE An error occurred while establishing a connection using SSL.
0x80200039 -2145386439 BG_E_SEND_FAILURE complete request could not be sent to the remote server.
0x8020003A -2145386438 BG_E_SERVER_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION The server response was not valid.
0x8020003B -2145386437 BG_E_TIMEOUT The operation exceeded the time limit.
0x8020003C -2145386436 BG_E_TRUST_FAILURE A server certificate could not be validated.
0x8020003D -2145386435 BG_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR A unknown error occured.
0x8020003E -2145386434 BG_E_BLOCKED_BY_POLICY Group Policy settings prevent background jobs from running at this time.
0x8020003F -2145386433 BG_E_INVALID_PROXY_INFO The supplied proxy server or bypass list is invalid.
0x80200040 -2145386432 BG_E_INVALID_CREDENTIALS The format of the supplied security credentials is invalid.
0x80240001 -2145124351 SUS_E_NO_SERVICE for whatever reason, SUS agent can not provide the service
0x80240002 -2145124350 SUS_E_MAX_CAPACITY_REACHED maximum capacity of the service is reached
0x80240003 -2145124349 SUS_E_UNKNOWN_ID id not found
0x80240004 -2145124348 SUS_E_NOT_INITIALIZED object is not correctly initialized
0x80240005 -2145124347 SUS_E_RANGEOVERLAP Update handler attempted to request a byte range that overlapped a previously requested byte range
0x80240006 -2145124346 SUS_E_TOOMANYRANGES Update handler attempted to request too many ranges
0x80240007 -2145124345 SUS_S_ALREADY_UNINSTALLED --- SUS_E_INVALIDINDEX The update to be uninstalled is already not installed -- An attempt was made to use an invalid index
0x80240008 -2145124344 SUS_E_ITEMNOTFOUND A query was made for an item with a particular key and that key was not found
0x80240009 -2145124343 SUS_E_OPERATIONINPROGRESS The caller attempted to perform an operation on an interface while another operation was in progress.
0x8024000a -2145124342 SUS_E_COULDNOTCANCEL The caller attempted to cancel an operation that is not cancelable
0x8024000B -2145124341 SUS_E_CALL_CANCELLED call has been cancelled
0x8024000C -2145124340 SUS_E_NOOP no operation is needed
0x8024000D -2145124339 SUS_E_XML_MISSINGDATA the SUS agent is attempting to parse an update's XML blob and has not found expected data
0x8024000E -2145124338 SUS_E_XML_INVALID the SUS agent is attempting to parse an update's XML blob and has encountered data that is invalid
0x8024000F -2145124337 SUS_E_CYCLE_DETECTED cycle detected in meta data
0x80240010 -2145124336 SUS_E_TOO_DEEP_RELATION too deep relation ship found
0x80240011 -2145124335 SUS_E_REG_VALUE_INVALI registry value was read but is invalid
0x80240012 -2145124334 SUS_E_REG_VALUE_INVALID registry value was read but is invalid
0x80240013 -2145124333 SUS_E_EE_UNKNOWN_EXPRESSION an expression handler was passed an expression that it doesn't


Windows Update Error Codes | Part 2
Windows Update Error Codes | Part 3
Windows Update Error Codes | Part 1

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