IBX5980432E7F390 Windows Update Error Codes | Part 1 - DRIVERS AND SOFTWARE

Windows Update Error Codes | Part 1

List of Windows Update error codes PART 1

One of the key factor of resolving Windows update issues is by getting its error. This will allow you to track and come up with a specific solution to the error. To know the error description press "cntrl" + "F" ( Shortcut for find) and start typing the error code.

Error Code Dec Error Code Error String Description
0x00000000 -4294967296 Success
0x00000001 -4294967295 ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION
0x0000007B -4294967173 Error_Invalid_Name The filename, directory name,or volume label syntax is incorrect
0x00000275 -4294966667 Error_cant_enable_Deny_only A group marked use for deny only can not be enabled
0x0000041D -4294966243 ERROR_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
0x000004C3 -4294966077 Error_Session_Credential_Conflict Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user,using more than one user name, are not allowed.
0x000004C5 -4294966075 Error_Dup_Domainename The workgroup or domain name is already in use by another computer on the network.
0x000005D5 -4294965803 NULL
0x00000619 -4294965735 error_Invalid_HW_Profile The specified hardware profile configuration is invalid
0x00000641 -4294965695 Error_Install_Service_failure The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed.
0x00000643 -4294965693 ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE Fatal error during installation
0x00000652 -4294965678 ERROR_INSTALL_ALREADY_RUNNING Another installation is already in progress. Complete that installation before proceeding with this install.
0x000006D9 -4294965543 EPT_S_Not_Registered There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper.
0x000006F6 -4294965514 RPC_X_BYTE_Count_TOO_Small The byte count is too small
0x00000963 -4294964893 NERR_BADPasswordCore This share name or password is invalid
0x00000BC2 -4294964286 Error_Success_Reboot_Required
0x00000C0B -4294964213 NULL
0x00001112 -4294962926 Error_No_Media_In_Drive No media in drive
0x0000117A -4294962822 NULL
0x00001190 -4294962800 Error_Shutdown_IS_Scheduled A system shutdown has already been scheduled
0x00001234 -4294962636 Error_Port_Unreachable No Service is operating at the destination network endpoint on the remote system
0x00001396 -4294962282 Error_Wrong_Target_Name Logon failure: The target account name is incorrect.
0x000013D7 -4294962217 Error_Cluster_restype_Note_Supported The specified node does not support a resource of this type. This amy be due to version inconsistancies or due to the absence of the resource DLL on this node.
0x00001449 -4294962103 Error_Invalid_Showwin_Command Cannot show or remove the window in the way specified
0x00001633 -4294961613 NULL
0x00240001 -4292607999 WU_S_SERVICE_STOP Service stopped
0x00240002 -4292607998 WU_S_SELFUPDATE Agent selfupdates
0x00240003 -4292607997 WU_S_UPDATE_ERROR Overall operation completed but error occurred while processing one or more specified updates.
0x00240004 -4292607996 WU_S_MARKED_FOR_DISCONNECT The caller attempted to disconnect an operation but the operation is busy calling back so the callback is marked for disconnect later
0x00240005 -4292607995 WU_S_REBOOT_REQUIRED The system needs to be rebooted to complete installation.
0x00240006 -4292607994 SUS_S_ALREADY_INSTALLED The update to be installed is already installed
0x00240007 -4292607993 WU_S_ALREADY_UNINSTALLED The update to be uninstalled is already not installed.
0x00240008 -4292607992 WU_S_ALREADY_DOWNLOADED The update to be downloaded is already downloaded
0x80000007 -2147483641 E_ABORT
0x80004001 -2147467263 E_NOTIMPL
0x80004002 -2147467262 E_Nointerface
0x80004003 -2147467261 E_Pointer Invalid pointer
0x80004004 -2147467260 E_ABORT Operation Aborted
0x80004005 -2147467259 E_Fail
0x80004015 -2147467243 CO_E_WRONG_SERVER_IDENTITY The security descriptor on the BITS service was changed by a security template such that NetworkService account doesn’t have READ access to BITS service.
0x8000FFFF -2147418113 E_UNEXPECTED
0x80010100 -2147417856 RPC_E_SYS_CALL_FAILED
0x80010105 -2147417851 RPC_E_Serverfault
0x80010108 -2147417848 RPC_E_Disconnected
0x80040154 -2147221164 REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG BITS in Windows 2000 is dependent on SENS and EventSystem services. If COM+ catalog is corrupted, one of these errors was seen.
0x800401F3 -2147221005 CO_E_Classstring
0x800401FD -2147220995 CO_E_Objnotconnected Object is not connected to server
0x80040206 -2147220986 EVENT_E_INTERNALERROR There will be event messages in Application/System log regarding the errors.
0x80070001 -2147024895 ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION
0x80070002 -2147024894 ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND The System cannot find the file specified
0x80070003 -2147024893 COR_E_DIRECTORYNOTFOUND The specified path couldn't be found - ALLUSERSPROFILE Microsoft network dir doesn’t exist
0x80070005 -2147024891 ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED The authentication method is not supported. - CoCreateInstance(IBackgroundCopyManager) fails with E_ACCESSDENIED (0x80070005) in this condition
0x80070006 -2147024890 E_Handle Handle not valid error
0x80070008 -2147024888 ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY The system is out of memory.
0x8007000B -2147024885 COR_E_BADIMAGEFORMAT The format of the DLL or executable being loaded is invalid
0x8007000D -2147024883 Error_invalid_data
0x8007000E -2147024882 E_OUTOFMEMORY
0x80070017 -2147024873 ERROR_CRC Data error (cyclic redundancy check).
0x8007001F -2147024865 ERROR_GEN_FAILURE A device attached to the system is not functioning
0x80070020 -2147024864 STIERR_SHARING_VIOLATION The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
0x80070032 -2147024846 ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED
0x80070050 -2147024816 ERROR_FILE_EXISTS
0x80070052 -2147024814 ERROR_CANNOT_MAKE The directory or file cannot be created
0x80070057 -2147024809 ERROR_INVALID_PARAMENTER - E_INVALIDARG One or more arguments are not valid error - Invalid proxy server name was specified in the user’s IE settings and hence WinhttpSetProxySettings call fails with E_INVALIDARG error. BITS puts the job in TRANSIENT_ERROR with the same error code. For ex, if the proxy server is set to http://foo/bar/proxy.pac, this error will be seen. This error is also seen when credentials are supplied such that scheme is not NTLM/Negotiate, but username/password is NULL, since that is not valid (WinhttpSetCredentials fails with E_INVALIDARG. BITS 1.5 puts the job into ERROR state with BG_E_INVALID_RESPONSE in the above 2 cases, because of error code mapping E_INVALIDARG is always mapped to (BG_E_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE)
0x80070070 -2147024784 ERROR_DISK_FULL There is not enough space on the disk
0x8007007A -2147024774 ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER
0x8007007B -2147024773 STIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME
0x8007007E -2147024770 ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND The specified module could not be found.
0x8007007F -2147024769 ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND The specified procedure could not be found.
0x80070080 -2147024768 ERROR_WAIT_NO_CHILDREN There are no child processes to wait for
0x800700A1 -2147024735 ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME
0x800700B6 -2147024714 ERROR_INVALID_ORDINAL
0x800700C1 -2147024703 ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT is not a valid Win32 application
0x800700E7 -2147024665 Error_Pipe_Busy All pipe instances are busy
0x80070103 -2147024637 ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS:
0x8007010B -2147024629 ERROR_DIRECTORY The directory name is invalid
0x8007012E -2147024594 Error_Disk_Too_Fragmented
0x800701E7 -2147024409 Error_Invalid_Address
0x800703e3 -2147023901 Error_Operation_Aborted The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request
0x800703e5 -2147023899 ERROR_IO_PENDING
0x800703E6 -2147023898 Error_Noaccess to memory location Invalid access to memory location
0x800703E7 -2147023897 Error_Swaperror Error performing inpage operation
0x800703EB -2147023893 Error_Can_Not_Complete Cannot complete this function
0x800703Ed -2147023891 ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_VOLUME The volume does not contain a recognized file system
0x800703F0 -2147023888 ERROR_NO_TOKEN An attempt was made to reference a token that does not exist
0x8007041D -2147023843 ERROR_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion
0x8007041E -2147023842 Error_Service_No_Thread A thread could not be created for this service
0x8007041F -2147023841 ERROR_SERVICE_DATABASE_LOCKED The service database is locked
0x80070422 -2147023838 ERROR_SERVICE_DISABLED The service cannot be started. If BITS service is disabled by the Administrator, then this error will be seen.
0x80070424 -2147023836 ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST Due to a bug in BITS 1.5 OOB setup, after BITS 1.5 install, the BITS service is deleted, but the 1.5 install returns success code. BITS 1.5 binaries are copied to the machine, but the service doesn’t exist. This can also happen if the BITS service is explicitly deleted by running the command sc delete bits
0x80070426 -2147023834 ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE The service has not been started
0x8007042B -2147023829 ERROR_PROCESS_ABORTED
0x8007042C -2147023828 Error_Service_Dependency_Fail
0x80070433 -2147023821 ERROR_SERVICE_DEPENDENCY_DELETED BITS service has a dependency on lanmanworkstation service in BITS 1.0 and 1.2. If “Client for Microsoft networks” network component is uninstalled, then lanmanworkstation service is deleted, but BITS dependency will still be present. After that, BITS service fails to start
0x80070437 -2147023817 Error_Different_Service_Account
0x8007043B -2147023813 ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_IN_EXE The executable program that this service is configured to run does not implement the service. netsvcs registry value in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Svchost registry key should contain the service names that can be run in that service host. On XP and Windows 2003, BITS should be in this value. If “BITS” is missing from that value, then ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_IN_EXE error is seen when attempting to start the service
0x8007045A -2147023782 ERROR_DLL_INIT_FAILED
0x8007045B -2147023781 ERROR_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS
0x80070490 -2147023728 E_PROP_ID_UNSUPPORTED Permission denied / [Problem initializing or using session variables] or Element not found
0x800704C7 -2147023673 ERROR_CANCELLED Cancelled by user
0x800704DD -2147023651 Error_Not_Logged_On to network
0x80070502 -2147023614 Error_Stack_Buffer_Overrun The system detected an overrun of a stack-based buffer in this application
0x80070570 -2147023504 ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT
0x8007057F -2147023489 Error_Cannot_Find_WND_Class Cannot find windows class
0x8007058D -2147023475 Error_Control_ID_Not_Found
0x800705AA -2147023446 ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCE Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service
0x800705AD -2147023443 Error_Working_Set_Quota Insufficient quota to complete the requested service
0x800705AF -2147023441 ERROR_COMMITMENT_LIMIT The paging file is too small for this operation to complete
0x800705B4 -2147023436 Error_Timeout
0x80070643 -2147023293 ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE
0x80070652 -2147023278 ERROR_INSTALL_ALREADY_RUNNING ErrorClientUpdateInProgress
0x8007066A -2147023254 Error_Patch_Target_Not_Found The program to be upgraded may be missing or the patch may upgrade a different version of the program
0x800706A6 -2147023194 RPC_S_Invalid_Binding Terminal Services optional component is installed on the machine, but the “Terminal Services” service has been disabled.
0x800706B5 -2147023179 RPC_S_Unknown_IF Eventlog service is not running. BITS tries to initialize the event logger object during initialization and fails to start, if the initialization fails. If event log service is not running, then the initialization fails with RPC_S_UNKNOWN_IF error
0x800706BA -2147023174 RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE
0x800706BB -2147023173 RPC_S_SERVER_TOO_BUSY The RPC server is too busy to complete this operation
0x800706BE -2147023170 RPC_S_CALL_FAILED
0x800706BF -2147023169 PRC_S_Call_Failed_DNE
0x800706C6 -2147023162 RPC_S_Invalid_Bound The array bounds are invalid
0x800706F7 -2147023113 RPC_X_Bad_Stub_Data This can occur after a control selfupdate that has not fully completed and requires a reboot. The controls may need to be reregistered.
0x80070704 -2147023100 Error_Unknown_Port
0x80070BC2 -2147021886 ErrorControlRebootRequired
0x8007276b -2147014805 WSASYSNOTREADY The description of WSASYSNOTREADY says WSAStartup cannot function at this time because the underlying system it uses to provide network services is currently unavailable. It seems that something is wrong with networking components on the system.
0x8007277B -2147014789 WSASYSCALLFAILURE A system call that should never fail has failed
0x80072AF9 -2147013895 WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND
0x80072AFC -2147013892 WSANO_DATA
0x80072EE2 -2147012894 ERROR_INTERNET_TIMEOUT The request has timed out.
0x80072EE4 -2147012892 ERROR_INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR An internal error has occurred.
0x80072EE5 -2147012891 Error_Internet_Invalid_URL
0x80072EE6 -2147012890 ERROR_INTERNET_UNRECOGNIZED_SCHEME The URL scheme could not be recognized or is not supported.
0x80072EE7 -2147012889 ERROR_INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED The server name could not be resolved.
0x80072EF2 -2147012878 Error_Internet_Incorrect_handle_type
0x80072EF3 -2147012877 Error_Internet_Incorrect_Handle_State
0x80072EFD -2147012867 ERROR_INTERNET_CANNOT_CONNECT The attempt to connect to the server failed.
0x80072EFE -2147012866 ERROR_INTERNET_CONNECTION_ABORTED The connection with the server has been terminated.
0x80072F0C -2147012852 Error_Internet_Client_Auth_Cert_Needed
0x80072F0D -2147012851 ERROR_INTERNET_INVALID_CA
0x80072F76 -2147012746 ERROR_HTTP_HEADER_NOT_FOUND The requested header could not be located
0x80072F78 -2147012744 ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE The server response could not be parsed.
0x80072F7c -2147012740 ERROR_HTTP_REDIRECT_FAILED
0x80072F8F -2147012721 ERROR_INTERNET_SECURE_FAILURE ErrorClockWrong One or more errors were found in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate sent by the server.
0x800736B1 -2147010895 Error_SXS_Cant_gen_Actctx This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect.
0x8007F001 -2146963455 STATUS_FAILED_LANGUAGE_TYPE Setup cannot update your files because the language\installed on your system is different from the update language.
0x8007F002 -2146963454 STATUS_CHECKED_FREE_MISMATCH Setup cannot update a checked (debug) system with a free (retail) version of , or vice versa.
0x8007F003 -2146963453 STATUS_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE There is not enough disk space on to install . Setup requires a minimum of d additional megabytes of free space or if you also want to archive the files for uninstall, Setup requires d additional megabytes of free space. Free additional sp
0x8007F004 -2146963452 STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVS You do not have permission to update . Please contact your system administrator.
0x8007F007 -2146963449 STATUS_CANT_FIND_INF Setup could not find the update.inf file needed to update your system.
0x8007F008 -2146963448 STATUS_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL has been updated. Remove any disks from the floppy disk drives and choose OK to restart your computer. If you change or add any components to your system, you will need to reapply the Hotfix.
0x8007F009 -2146963447 STATUS_UPDATE_UNSUCCESSFUL installation did not complete.
0x8007F00a -2146963446 STATUS_SHUTDOWN_UNSUCCESSFUL Setup was unable to shutdown system. Please shutdown your system manually.
0x8007F00B -2146963445 STATUS_FILE_NOT_FOUND_IN_SETUP_LOG Could not locate entry for HAL.DLL in SETUP.LOG to determine type of HAL to update.
0x8007F00C -2146963444 STATUS_INVALID_INF_FILE The file is not correct.
0x8007F00d -2146963443 STATUS_USER_CANCELLED Setup canceled.
0x8007F00E -2146963442 STATUS_PLATFORM_MISMATCH This is for a different hardware platform.
0x8007F00f -2146963441 STR_CAPTION Setup
0x8007F010 -2146963440 STR_WARNCAPTION Setup Warning
0x8007F011 -2146963439 STR_ERRCAPTION Setup Error
0x8007F012 -2146963438 STR_FAILED_TO_DELETE_OR_RENAME The file is open or in use by another application. Close all other applications and then click Retry.
0x8007F013 -2146963437 STR_FAILED_TO_SAVE_REGISTRY Setup could not backup registry key to file
0x8007F014 -2146963436 STR_FAILED_TO_READ_REGISTRY Setup could not backup registry value
0x8007F015 -2146963435 STR_ASK_DIRTY_UNINSTALL Select ''OK'' to undo the changes that have been made, or select ''Cancel'' to quit. If you select ''Cancel'', your system will be left in a partially updated state and may not work correctly.
0x8007F016 -2146963434 STR_LEAVING_DIRTY has been partially updated and may not work properly.
0x8007F017 -2146963433 STR_ARE_YOU_SURE_CANCEL Are you sure you want to cancel?
0x8007F018 -2146963432 STR_SOURCE_MEDIA_NAME_UNINSTALL Uninstall Directory
0x8007F019 -2146963431 STR_SOURCE_MEDIA_NAME Uninstall Directory
0x8007F01a -2146963430 STR_SOURCE_MEDIA_NAME_SYSTEM System Files
0x8007F01b -2146963429 STR_INST_HOTFIX Setup found hotfixes on your system. Would you like to install these hotfixes now?
0x8007F01c -2146963428 STR_UNINST_ALREADY_CREATED You have already created an Uninstall directory. Doing this again will overwrite your current uninstall directory. Are you sure you want to do this?
0x8007F01d -2146963427 STR_OEM_FILE Your computer vendor installed this file on your computer. Do you want Setup to replace this file?
0x8007F01e -2146963426 STR_CATALOG_INSTALL_FAILED Failed to install catalog files.
0x8007F01f -2146963425 STR_ADD_REGISTRY_FAILED Failed to add registry entry.
0x8007f020 -2146963424 STATUS_BUILD_VERSION_MISMATCH Setup has detected that the build version of the system installed does not match the update you are applying to it. You can only install this update only on Build %d .
0x8007f021 -2146963423 STATUS_SP_VERSION_GREATER The version of Windows you have installed does not match the update you are trying to install.
0x8007f022 -2146963422 STATUS_CANT_SPAWN_HOTFIX Setup could not start the hotfix installation program.
0x8007f023 -2146963421 STATUS_CANT_FIND_TAG Setup could not locate the files.
0x8007f024 -2146963420 STATUS_OVERWRITE_UNINSTALL WARNING: You have chosen to overwrite your existing uninstall: If you continue, you will only be able to uninstall to the following Service Pack version: Are you sure you want to continue? Click Yes to continue creating the
0x8007f026 -2146963418 STATUS_WININET_LOAD_FAILED This Web-based update requires Internet Explorer 3.0 or later. For instructions on how to download a version of this update that does not require a Web connection during installation, download and install from http://www.Microsoft.com/Downloads
0x8007f027 -2146963417 STATUS_CANT_INSTALL_SP_ON_DTC This has not been qualified by your hardware vendor for installation on this copy of Datacenter Server. Please contact your hardware vendor for additional information on obtaining a that has been qualified for your system configuration.
0x8007f028 -2146963416 STATUS_NECESSARY_FILES_NOT_PRESENT Not all files necessary to perform an integrated installation are present.
0x8007f029 -2146963415 STATUS_SPOOLER_NOT_STARTED Cannot install . The Print Spooler service is not started.
0x8007f02a -2146963414 STATUS_MUST_RESTART_FIRST The system must be restarted before installing the , to allow some prior file update operations to complete. (These operations were previously scheduled by some other install or uninstall operation.)
0x8007f02b -2146963413 STATUS_NOT_ENOUGH_WITH_UNINST You do not have enough free disk space on % to archive the uninstall files. To install with backup files for uninstall, an additional dMB is required.
0x8007f02c -2146963412 STATUS_CANT_FIND_RSAENHS Unable to locate RSAENHS.DLL in the update directory, high encryption for uninstall aborted.
0x8007f02d -2146963411 STATUS_CANT_FIND_ENCININF Unable to locate UPDENCIN.INF in the update directory, high encryption for uninstall aborted.
0x8007f02e -2146963410 STATUS_CANT_FIND_ENCTSINF Unable to locate UPDENCTS.INF in the update directory, unable to export TS files.
0x8007f02f -2146963409 STATUS_ENCINST_PROCESS_FAILED High encryption ENCINST process failed.
0x8007f030 -2146963408 STATUS_ENCINST_UPGRADE_FAILED High encryption upgrade failed.
0x8007f031 -2146963407 STR_USAGE_UPDATE AVAILABLE SWITCHES: [/help] [/quiet] [/passive] [/uninstall] [/norestart] [/forcerestart] [/l] [/n] [/o] [/f] [/integrate:<path>] [/d:<path>] /help Displays this message SETUP MODES /quiet Quiet mode (no user interaction or displ
0x8007f032 -2146963406 STR_BUILDING_CAB Creating file
0x8007f033 -2146963405 STR_DOWNLOADING Downloading files and patches
0x8007f034 -2146963404 STR_ARCHIVING_FILES Backing up files
0x8007f035 -2146963403 STR_ARCHIVING_FILE Backing up files
0x8007f036 -2146963402 STR_INSTALLING_FILES Installing files
0x8007f037 -2146963401 STR_INSTALLING_FILE Installing files
0x8007f038 -2146963400 STR_FINISHING_INSTALL Finishing installation
0x8007f039 -2146963399 STR_WELCOME_LINE Welcome to the Setup Wizard
0x8007f03a -2146963398 STR_RESTART &Restart
0x8007f03b -2146963397 STR_COMPLETE installation is complete. You must restart your computer for the update to take effect.
0x8007f03d -2146963395 STR_CANT_CANCEL_NOW Please wait while Setup updates your system files.
0x8007f03e -2146963394 STR_MUST_ACCEPT_TIP Must accept license agreement before installing

To be continued...
Windows Update Error Codes | Part 2
Windows Update Error Codes | Part 3
Windows Update Error Codes | Part 4

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